I'm FAT and I run!

Hey! Fat People can run too! Welcome! This blog is optimized for IE7+, Firefox 3+, Google Chrome & Safari. If you use another browser, I can't guarantee it'll look right!

What'll I find here?

Updates on my following and completing the Couch to 5k plan & beyond! There's also great links to other C25k-ers on here!

I'm Moving

Beginning today, I am moving the blog.  I'll be blogging on the new site I've launched. RunningSource  I've combined all the important details of the most popular running programs in one easy place!  Check it out!

It's all about choices when eating out!

9 weeks ago, I would go to any fast food restaurant of choice, and order what looked good at the time.  No worry about what was in it, how bad it was etc.  It's what is pushed, marketed etc. that we generally choose to eat.  A lot of this is common sense, but there are those of us out there that've just never given it much thought.

My intent here is not to give any restaurants mentioned a bad name, but rather point out that they each have ways that a descent meal can be had, but that they don't necessarily make it a point to let you know that.  The healthier choices in fast food joints aren't typically what sells.  It's the big juicy burger with cheese/bacon, the nice golden fried pieces of chicken, those beer battered onion rings..that's what sells, that's what you see on TV!

We'll start with a mid-west favorite: Culver's  (just watch what pops up right in front of you when you launch their site) Made famous largely by their "Butter Burgers", Culver's is a great place to eat with very good food.

Let's look at a typical meal for me @ Culver's before I got healthy and starting making more wise choices when eating out:

The Culver's Bacon Deluxe Double - Serving Size/weight: 288grams

  • 752 Calories
  • 47 grams of fat (22 of which are saturated)
  • 1351 mg Sodium
Dairyland Cheese Curds - Serving Size/weight: 191grams
  • 670 Calories
  • 38 grams of fat (15 saturated)
  • 1740 mg Sodium
I'd typically have a Dr. Pepper with this meal, bringing the meal to a whopping 1702 calories, 85grams of fat and 3100 grams of sodium.  That's almost an entire days worth of food in one sitting, and is far above the amount of fat to be consumed in one day.  Let's look at how one could eat a descent, still satisfying meal at Culvers:

Butter Burger Single
  • 346 Calories
  • 12 grams of fat
  • 700mg Sodium
Side Salad - With Reduced Fat Ranch
  • 100 calories
  • 2 grams of fat
  • 102mg Sodium
This meal with a diet pepsi contains only 446 calories, 14 grams of fat and 802mg of sodium, and yet still provides enough food to get full on!

NOW, if you begin to change the choices you would regularly make, I am a firm believer that you can once in a while indulge in the not so good choices and have a burger with some cheese and maybe bacon ,or have that non diet soda once in a while.  It's all about Choices!

Wow... I managed to RUN for 28 minutes!

Tuesday was my day to complete W8D2.  I managed to complete 28 minutes of jogging w/o stopping!  I can't believe that I only have a week and a day left of C25k and then it's off to the races so to speak.

Tuesday's run brought a new path, and it was descent.  I decided to just run out the front door, and around town a bit.  You can review the run by clicking HERE.  Not a bad little path to take in Owatonna.  There were very few stop signs/traffic lights etc.  Somewhat flat roads with a bit of elevation mixed in..just enough to make it a little tougher of a workout.

I don't have a ton to say about W8D2, other than I did it, and I manged to complete over 2.8 miles in 33 minutes, which included 5 minutes of cool-down walking at the end.  This was a good run for me.  I felt good about it, I felt good in the end, didn't have any breathing issues, muscles weren't too sore etc.

I am really looking forward to completing this program!  Should I finish Week9 next week, that means obviously that I've completed 9 weeks of training, 9 weeks of working out consistently, 9 weeks of not giving up on something!  If you're thinking of doing C25k, YOU CAN!  I am proof of that!

I had W8D1 handed to me!!!

Yesterday was W8D1 of C25k, and it did not go well.  It seemingly started off OK, but it was a disaster by the end, but at least Jack got ot play @ the park!

It was a mere 80* and 50% humidity, but it was windy as well, and I was tired.  No excuses though, it just sucked!  I only made a mere 2.04 miles in 28minutes, granted I was running into a 15mph wind and was pushing Jack (50lbs) in a jogging stroller!  I forgot to start RunKeeper for the first minute too.  ABout a mile into the run, I approached a park called Mineral Springs, and the bugs were 100% nasty.  Both my sweaty arms were covered in bugs and they were just everywhere!  Just an overall bad run day.  It happens I guess!

I am looking forward to W8D2 tomorrow, and want to get as close as I can to 5k in the 28 minutes.  It's time to ramp it up.  Time to push it a bit.  That's what Ibuprophen is for right??! 

Week 7 of C25K is in the books! Am I a runner now?

No more week 7!  Say buh by!

This evening I completed W7D3 with Jack out in front of me in the jogging stroller.  I would have to say that it added quite a bit to the workout to take Jack with me in the stroller.  He's 50lbs that I was pushing in front of me, along with my own 255lbs (which is 25lbs lighter than when I started 7 weeks ago).  It was a really nice evening here in the 55060;  79*, and only 45% humidity!  Quite a bit of bugs, but who cares, there's always bugs in MN.  Hell, there's even bugs in the winter around here!

At what point can I call myself a "runner"?  I think NOW!  I am able to run 25+ minutes without passing out at the end, no throwing up etc!  It feels great.  I have the most amazing wife who has encouraged me big time these last 7 weeks!  She is awesome!  Without her support, I wouldn't still be running.  I have only 2 weeks left of C25K at which point I should be able to complete a 5k (3.11 miles) w/o stopping for a walking break  I can't wait to get out there and do my 5k race in October!  I will OWN it!  I am totally pumped up about it.  Once I am done with C25K, I will have a week and a few days to train before my first race at which point, I will focus mostly on bringing up the speed to hopefully reach my pace of just over 8 minutes per mile, for a total time in the 5k of 24 minutes.

If you are overweight and thinking about getting in shape, YOU CAN DO IT.  I was classified as obese when I started this program at 6'1 280lbs, and today I can run for a good length of time, not be tired, not hurt much and feel GREAT!  I'm well on my way to being healthy and you can be too!

Bring on W7D3! 25mins running + 50lbs in a stroller!

Today I will be completing W7D3, only it'll be a bit more of a challenge, as I'll have our 50lb 4 year old in the jogging stroller:

I've yet to run with our son in the stroller, so it should be interesting having an extra 50lbs of resistance in front of me.

Check back for more updates tonight! Don't forget to follow me on Twitter FOLLOW ME

Good Times!

W7D2 - Mark it complete

A lot was done today! I helped with Childcare at MOPS, updated the blog format and COMPLETED W7D2! I even managed to get a buddy to come out and run with me!

Here's how W7D2 goes: 5 minute warm up, 25 minute run, 5 minute cool down. Easy enough! I am starting to get the hang of this running stuff. I am impressed that I was able to run for 25 minute and not die! Woohoo. I was more impressed with @blivingood who managed to come along and run with me for 25 minutes! Nice Job man!

Tomorrow, I am going to pick up a Jogging stroller that we're borrowing from a friend that I'll use for Thursday evenings and Saturday's runs. I'll be toting along our 4 year old son Jack on two runs as my wife will be in California to spend time with friends! She deserves it. She's been staying @ home raising our son for the last 4 years without a real break! You're the best honey! So, W7D3 and W8D1 will be done with the jogging stroller and a 50lb 4 year old! Should be good times!

Looking forward to W7D3 and beyond! P.S. Let me know what you think of the new blog layout!

Completed Week 7 Day 1!

Sunday I decided that two days of rest was enough for the ankle, and set out to do W7D1 of C25k. Outside temp was 83 degrees and 59% humidity. It was a little sticky out, but I didn't want to slack off, or wait until later in the day because I knew I would've probably got lazy and decided not to do it.

Since my right ankle had been bothering me, before I ran, I went and picked up a medium duty lace up brace for my ankle for some added support.

I was a little slow on Sunday, maybe due to the heat and getting used to the new ankle brace.  I did manage to run/jog for the continuous 25 minutes though, which I felt pretty good about.  Since the rest of the training program's runs are at least 25 minutes in length with no walking intervals, I am going to work on picking up the pace from here on out until my first 5k on October 17th.  My goal is still to complete the 3.1 miles in just over 8 minutes per mile!  Time to push it a little bit...

We'll see how W7D2 goes on Tuesday. You can checkout the map of my most recent run by clicking the map just to the right of this post, or by clicking Here!

Itching to run....

Today is my second "off day" in a row. I really feel like running, but am taking two days off in order to let my joints and bones rest up before I start Week 7 of C25k. Week 7 consists of running 25 minutes straight each of the three training days, not including a 5 minute warm-up and 5 minute cool-down walk. The total workout is 35 minutes. I am actually looking forward to it! If you'd have asked me 7 weeks ago if I wanted to go out and run for 25 minutes, I would have told you to kiss my rear and sent you on your way! I have three weeks left of the C25k program and am looking forward to finishing it about a week before my first 5k ever!

Over the course of the last 4 days, I've started taking 1000mg of Glucosamine supplements a day. This is supposed to be great for the joints, and ever since I've had ankle injuries, and had knee surgery, I've had sore knees and ankles any time I exercise. We'll see how it goes once the body gets used to it.

Today, to keep me busy, I decided to clean the garage. I have noticed now that I sweat WAY More than I did when I was 25lbs heavier and out of shape! I think I've read somewhere that the more in shape you are, the more you sweat as your body becomes efficient at cooling its self, and thus sweats more. Who knows. All I know was that I was cleaning the garage and it was 80 degrees out with 70% humidity and I was covered in sweat from something that certainly wasn't hard work. Weird.

Anywho, tomorrow is W7D1 of C25k. I am looking forward to it. I have possibly even convinced a buddy to come out and run the 25 minutes. I want to make 2.5 miles in 25 minutes tomorrow as that would get me closer to my goal of a 5k in just over 24 minutes.

Thanks for reading!

Week 6 is DONE and DONE

Thanks for the votes in the poll yesterday.  I decided, despite the results, to go ahead and complete W6D3.

At about 3:30, I made it to the local trail I've been using most often.  It was 82* with 60% humidity.  The air was a little heavy, and man are the Mosquitos in MN TERRIBLE right now.  No sooner than 2 seconds after getting out of the yukon did I hear/see/feel 4-5 mosquitos trying to get a snack.  Gross.

There is something to be said for running outside vs. on a treadmill inside.  I think it pushes your body more, makes you work harder etc.  There's not moving belt under your feet keeping you going.  No wind resistance in your face.  Either way, if you're running inside or out, you've made the choice to be healthier!

I completed the 25 minute run, and included my 5 minute cooldown walk on Runkeeper.  The details of the map etc. can be viewed here: http://bit.ly/P1po4

I am going to rest up Friday and Saturday and will pickup with W7D1 on Sunday, which is another 25 minute run.  From here on out, I am going to work on increasing my speed/distance, hoping to get at least 1 mile down in the just over 8 minute pace I want to complete the 5k in.

This is Doing the hard things!


Do I finish up W6D3 or take one more day off and see if the ankle feels better?

Opinions Please!

I am on W6D3 today, but have hit the following snag:  Peroneal tendonitis?! - This is what google told me...

Anywho, I have this slight pain on the outside of my right ankle just below the bone that is more irritating than it is painful, so now I am stuck with deciding if I should just go ahead with W6D3, or take one more day off and hope the ankle feels better tomorrow.

Yesterday was my rest day and I really wanted to wrap up W6 today and take Fri/Sat off to give the joints a good amount of rest before W7D1.  I am stuck at one of those "Do I push myself now and reap the rewards later, or do I take another day off, feel lazy and hope that the ankle feels better tomorrow" points.  I feel like if I just get off my butt and finish up W6 and the ankle still doesn't heal quickly, I could at least say that I made it to the end of W6 and go from there.  On the other hand, if I don't do W6D3 today, and my ankle still doesn't feel better, there's the chance that I have to take 3-4 days or more off to wait for the ankle to feel better!

What are your thoughts?  Leave a comment and vote on the poll (at the top of this entry) before 3:00PM CST today!

Set a Goal and GO FOR IT

What better way to motivate myself to finish what I've started with this whole running thing than to register for a race or two!

I will be done with the C25K program a week before my first race, the Nerstrand Big Woods Run.  This is a standard road course 5k race on 10.17.2k9.

Exactly one week later, I will be putting myself up to a big physical challenge and running in the Nike Huan Race Day 10k!  If I can even finish the 10k, I'll be pumped as that will obviously double my prior weeks run of 5k.

I don't think I ever thought I would be running a 3.1 mile race, let alone a 6.2 mile RACE!

Almost done with Week 6 of training!

Yesterday was Week 6 Day 2 of the 9 week training program to get you off your butt and into a 5k.  I managed to complete it, but it was a little tougher than other days.  I think maybe because it involved 10 mins of running, then a walking interval, and then another 10 mins of running.  We'll see Thursday when Day 3 of Week 6 comes along.  That'll be a straight 25 run with a warmup and cool down for a total of 35 minutes working out.

Yesterday, I steped on the scale and to my surprise, I was down to 255!  That's 25lbs in 6 weeks that I've dropped.  This means I am pretty close to my initial goal of 250.  Now it's time to get started on finding some free Free Weights to setup in the basement so I can start heavy lifting on my off days of running.  My overall goal weight is 240-250lbs with 9-12% body fat.  I figure the cardio from running will be a perfect compliment to the heavy lifting.  Should help things lean out as I go.   That said, it's time to hit the protein powder again.  I haven't bought any of this stuff in years!  Here's to a "tasty" breakfast every morning!

Week 6 Day 2 is coming up today...

I never thought I'd say that I am looking forward to running, but I am actually looking forward to it now!  I used to HATE It.  I think that's why I used to be able to do the mile in 6:30 in high school, because I didn't like it and just wanted to get it over with!

Anywho..it's a great day outside today in Southern, MN.  Might be a bit on the humid side this afternoon for a run, but nice out none-the-less!  Week 6 Day 2 consists of a warmup walk, 10 minutes of running, 3 minutes walking, another 10 minutes of running and a cooldown walk.  We'll see how it goes!  Check back tonight!

I don't know how I got fat! (sarcasm)

WARNING: My opinions in this post &/or blog are likely to offend
some. If it does, I apologize and hope that you'll take it for what it
is: My opinion, and me calling it as I see it. My intent isn't to
offend you!
Sometimes I wonder how or why I didn't see it coming. Eating foods
like those found attached to this post may have had something to do
with it! 6 weeks ago, I probably could have eaten most if not all of
this dessert and thought nothing of it. Not any more.
Just making the choice to be healthier in general has shone a light on
how we as a nation (me included) have become as a majority,
overweight. As I look around at the grocery store it's largely
obvious! Just about everything is pre-made and full of fat and
nutritionless ingredients. Making the choice to eat the "right" thing
vs. the quickest, or best looking option goes a long way in and of
it's self, all exercise aside. I mean really, 6 weeks ago, I'd have
had no problem putting down a hungry man XXL meal and a 20oz Dr.
Pepper and maybe some cookies for dessert! Now, before I go for that,
I think... Do I really need 50+ grams of fat 2000mg of sodium, 1000
calories and 80 grams+ of sugar from a single meal?! Common sense
should say no, but the convenience factor, quickness of preperation
etc said yes and before I knew it, I was at nearly 300lbs.
The majority of fast food places are exactly the same. Most of your
choices there have something fried in them and are loaded with cheese
to boot. I had to stop eating the QPC with fries and a Mr. Pib. Simple
enough choice right? Not really when you see those nice shiny
pictures and that tasty looking burger and it's cheese and bacon!
Almost every time I'm in a fast food place now, I think of seeing my
dad in the ICU after having had a heart attack and 5 way bypass surgery.
It's a choice now. I can eat the quick/easy, or I can eat the right
option. Each day, it gets easier to make the right choice and
continue on the road of getting healthy.
All that said, if you're making the right choices, you can afford to
eat the occasional piece of cake, brownie, fried food etc. without
worrying about it.

More than halfway to 5k!

Ahh! I am now more than halfway to running a 5k. My goal is to get it done in just over 8 minutes per mile, which would be pretty good for never having run a 5k before. I am at the point now of being able to do about 2.5 miles in 30 minutes, which includes a 5 minute warm-up and 5 minute cooldown walk, with running/walking intervals during the rest of the training session.

Sunday I completed Day 1 of Week 6 following the Couch to 5k program. It's pretty tough, but I'm getting there. Day 1 of Week 6 went as follows:

5 minute warm-up stretch
5 minute warm-up walk
5 minute run
3 minute walk
8 minute run
3 minute walk
5 minute run
5 minute cooldown walk
5 minute cooldown stretch

I am a huge fan of this interval training. I've got to the point now where my legs are tired before I run out of breath. It's great. I've also moved all my running to outdoor running. I started the first 3 weeks on a treadmill, but then it died, so I bought some new running shoes and hit the asphalt. Running outside seems tougher than the treadmill, but it's much more motivating to keep going. Here in Owatonna we have a lot of miles of descent trails and good scenery, so that too makes it easier to run outside.

Shortly after starting to run outside, I found an app for my iPhone called RunKeeper. It uses the built in GPS of the iPhone to track all your runs and the stats associated with them such as pace, total time etc. With the Pro version that I purchased, you're able to create your own training workouts, such as setting up the Couch to 5K intervals, which is great. Then, while you're working out, it will chime in and tell you when to run, at what pace etc. You can select your iPod playlist from within the app as well, which will auto start it when you begin your training session.

RunKeeper tracks your run and when you've completed your session, it tweets the stats of your run with a link to a map of your run! Awesome! Here's an example of one of my runs:

Just completed a 2.58 mi run with @runkeeper, check it out http://bit.ly/grysj #RunKeeper

This is pretty sweet. Then, once uploaded, you can view the map, edit it if your GPS signal was weak etc. You can keep track of your weeks, see your total distance etc. Just a great app, from a great development team! If you have an iPhone 3g or 3g S, I recommenf you spend the $10.00 on this app in the AppStore. Click HERE to get it! You can also check out RunKeeper.com for more details on this app.

Thanks RunKeeper!

Update on my Fat running....

This is my second note on running written Wednesday 9.2.2k9

This is an update to my first note about running, found HERE DO HARD THINGS!

Since starting running a little over 5 weeks ago, I've managed to get my wedding ring on again! This is HUGE considering it hasn't fit in well over a year! I've dropped about 18lbs, down from my heaviest ever of 280lbs. I feel better, I have more energy, I breathe easier, eating healthier options is easier, running for more than 5 seconds is a heck of a lot easier..the list can go on and on.

Another great plus is that Stephanie is now working out consistently too! Way to go Honey! You're awesome. We're on the right track to getting and staying healthy and in shape.

My goal with all this is mostly to honor God and take care of the temple I've been provided. However, there are some additional side goals that I've set as motivation etc.

1) Complete the Nerstrand Big Woods 5k Race on 10.17.2k9 in under 26 minutes. That's just over 8 minutes per mile. @stevemielke, @skeeter90x & @blivingood are also running in this race!
2) Drop my weight to 240-250lbs
3) Get back into heavy lifting (anyone have olympic free weights to get rid of?)
4) Drop my body fat to between 9-12%
5) Be in the same physical shape I was shortly after we were married

I'm sure there are a few other small things I've forgot, but you get the idea. Some of the ways I've been able to motivate myself other than by having an awesome encouraging wife:

1) LifeChurch.tv Worship Sets (podcast)

2) C25k (iPhone app) - This one is great. Has built in prompts telling you when to run, when to stop etc. Let's you update to Twitter and/or FB right from the app when you're done with a workout.

3) RunKeeper Pro (iPhone app) - Just started using this one, but it's awesome. See http://bit.ly/18zAh5 You can see maps of any of the runs I'll be doing etc.. pretty cool stuff!

4) Lose IT! (iPhone app) - Great for managing calorie intake and food nutrition!

I've found that running outside is great. This is now the second week that I've been running outside since the treadmill died. If you're going to run outside, GET GOOD SHOES. I dropped a good chunk of change at Nordstrom on some Asic running shoes, but they're well worth it when you're outside pounding the pavement. I don't know what I'll do come winter, but figure that I'll be able to run outside quite a bit since last winter I managed to wear shorts on even the coldest of days. I won't talk much about me in spandex pants and some running shorts over them etc yet... Still too heavy for that :)

I hope this offers some sort of encouragement. If I can do it, you can too! Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, comments etc. Post away!

My "vision" to get off my A$$ and Run!

Written and posted to Facebook on 8.6.2k9

Do the HARD THINGS! Please, if you have any comments, questions etc. they are MORE than welcome!

I don't really know why I started this, but I know that GOD is speaking to me and telling me to get off my big, nearly 300lb arse and get back in shape. That's right, nearly 300lbs (280lbs on day 1 of my program to be exact).

9 years ago, I weighed between 175-190lbs. That was too thin and light weight for me at 6'1" on a "big frame" So, I worked out, A LOT, got into shape, put on some muscle and was at about 210lbs with only 11-12% body fat.

Wha-happen? I don't know. I got lazy. I let my "temple" go. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."

I don't know where it came from or why I decided to do it, but about a week or so ago, after seeing a LifeChurch.tv message, AT THE MOVIES, I had a vision. A vision of getting back into shape, a vision of treating my temple as I should be. This vision said "RUN". Something I had NEVER liked, even though for a time in high school (nearly 15 years ago) I could run the mile in 6:30 consistently. I simply did NOT like running, it was not something I ever WANTED to do or be good at, it was hard. I didn't like doing hard things. I took the easy road for everthing. In the message from LifeChurch.tv, pastor Craig Groeschel said this: "Do Hard Things: It's doing what we can do, to enable us to do tomorrow, what we can't do today"

I don't really know where I am going with this whole thing, but I've started this vision, I've started to DO HARD THINGS. Today, and over the course of the next 9 weeks, I am doing what I can to enable me to do tomorrow, what I can't do today, which is RUN a 5k. Run a 5 K in less than 24 minutes.

I've only completed Week 1 day 2 (three days per week of 30-40 minute training sessions) of 9 weeks, but I already feel better. I feel like I am honoring GOD by honoring my temple. I am DOING HARD THINGS!

I hope this note can be of some encouragement to someone, maybe not necessarily to become a runner, but simply to do hard things. Do what you know/feel/thing GOD is calling you to do!

I may add to this note at some point, but for now I encourage you to take action on what you feel GOD is calling you to do. Do the HARD THINGS! Please, if you have any comments, questions etc. they are MORE than welcome!

Fat People Run Too!

I'll track my running progress here. If you don't like the title, too bad because FAT PEOPLE RUN TOO!