I'm FAT and I run!

Hey! Fat People can run too! Welcome! This blog is optimized for IE7+, Firefox 3+, Google Chrome & Safari. If you use another browser, I can't guarantee it'll look right!

What'll I find here?

Updates on my following and completing the Couch to 5k plan & beyond! There's also great links to other C25k-ers on here!

I don't know how I got fat! (sarcasm)

WARNING: My opinions in this post &/or blog are likely to offend
some. If it does, I apologize and hope that you'll take it for what it
is: My opinion, and me calling it as I see it. My intent isn't to
offend you!
Sometimes I wonder how or why I didn't see it coming. Eating foods
like those found attached to this post may have had something to do
with it! 6 weeks ago, I probably could have eaten most if not all of
this dessert and thought nothing of it. Not any more.
Just making the choice to be healthier in general has shone a light on
how we as a nation (me included) have become as a majority,
overweight. As I look around at the grocery store it's largely
obvious! Just about everything is pre-made and full of fat and
nutritionless ingredients. Making the choice to eat the "right" thing
vs. the quickest, or best looking option goes a long way in and of
it's self, all exercise aside. I mean really, 6 weeks ago, I'd have
had no problem putting down a hungry man XXL meal and a 20oz Dr.
Pepper and maybe some cookies for dessert! Now, before I go for that,
I think... Do I really need 50+ grams of fat 2000mg of sodium, 1000
calories and 80 grams+ of sugar from a single meal?! Common sense
should say no, but the convenience factor, quickness of preperation
etc said yes and before I knew it, I was at nearly 300lbs.
The majority of fast food places are exactly the same. Most of your
choices there have something fried in them and are loaded with cheese
to boot. I had to stop eating the QPC with fries and a Mr. Pib. Simple
enough choice right? Not really when you see those nice shiny
pictures and that tasty looking burger and it's cheese and bacon!
Almost every time I'm in a fast food place now, I think of seeing my
dad in the ICU after having had a heart attack and 5 way bypass surgery.
It's a choice now. I can eat the quick/easy, or I can eat the right
option. Each day, it gets easier to make the right choice and
continue on the road of getting healthy.
All that said, if you're making the right choices, you can afford to
eat the occasional piece of cake, brownie, fried food etc. without
worrying about it.


  1. Kat in GA said...

    AMEN! Two weeks before I got brave enough to try C25K (I'm on week 7 now - who'da thunk it???) I switched over to a MOSTLY vegetarian lifestyle (except for the occaisional sushi, which I LOVE - so I can't call myself a proper & true vegetarian, but mostly). It IS more difficult to choose to eat healthy - but WOW what a difference! My main foods now are veggies and grains (brown rice with lunch or dinner, oatmeal for my after-run breakfast). I've dropped all sodas (major victory for me, a totally soda addict who could easily drink 10 or more a day!) and switched to the somewhat less-evil Ice Tea. :) And weirdly enough - I'm not hungry ALL THE TIME like I was before. used to be, I was always starving. Now? it takes less to fill me up, and if I do get hungry, and healthy snack makes it go away. Pretty cool and very amazing. When I do eat junk food occaisionally, I can tell a difference in how I feel - ick!

    From one fat runner to another - GREAT JOB! Keep up the good work! :)

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