I'm FAT and I run!

Hey! Fat People can run too! Welcome! This blog is optimized for IE7+, Firefox 3+, Google Chrome & Safari. If you use another browser, I can't guarantee it'll look right!

What'll I find here?

Updates on my following and completing the Couch to 5k plan & beyond! There's also great links to other C25k-ers on here!

Update on my Fat running....

This is my second note on running written Wednesday 9.2.2k9

This is an update to my first note about running, found HERE DO HARD THINGS!

Since starting running a little over 5 weeks ago, I've managed to get my wedding ring on again! This is HUGE considering it hasn't fit in well over a year! I've dropped about 18lbs, down from my heaviest ever of 280lbs. I feel better, I have more energy, I breathe easier, eating healthier options is easier, running for more than 5 seconds is a heck of a lot easier..the list can go on and on.

Another great plus is that Stephanie is now working out consistently too! Way to go Honey! You're awesome. We're on the right track to getting and staying healthy and in shape.

My goal with all this is mostly to honor God and take care of the temple I've been provided. However, there are some additional side goals that I've set as motivation etc.

1) Complete the Nerstrand Big Woods 5k Race on 10.17.2k9 in under 26 minutes. That's just over 8 minutes per mile. @stevemielke, @skeeter90x & @blivingood are also running in this race!
2) Drop my weight to 240-250lbs
3) Get back into heavy lifting (anyone have olympic free weights to get rid of?)
4) Drop my body fat to between 9-12%
5) Be in the same physical shape I was shortly after we were married

I'm sure there are a few other small things I've forgot, but you get the idea. Some of the ways I've been able to motivate myself other than by having an awesome encouraging wife:

1) LifeChurch.tv Worship Sets (podcast)

2) C25k (iPhone app) - This one is great. Has built in prompts telling you when to run, when to stop etc. Let's you update to Twitter and/or FB right from the app when you're done with a workout.

3) RunKeeper Pro (iPhone app) - Just started using this one, but it's awesome. See http://bit.ly/18zAh5 You can see maps of any of the runs I'll be doing etc.. pretty cool stuff!

4) Lose IT! (iPhone app) - Great for managing calorie intake and food nutrition!

I've found that running outside is great. This is now the second week that I've been running outside since the treadmill died. If you're going to run outside, GET GOOD SHOES. I dropped a good chunk of change at Nordstrom on some Asic running shoes, but they're well worth it when you're outside pounding the pavement. I don't know what I'll do come winter, but figure that I'll be able to run outside quite a bit since last winter I managed to wear shorts on even the coldest of days. I won't talk much about me in spandex pants and some running shorts over them etc yet... Still too heavy for that :)

I hope this offers some sort of encouragement. If I can do it, you can too! Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, comments etc. Post away!


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